jueves, 29 de enero de 2015

Feature and Follow (32)

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30

The Feature and and and Follow is hosted by TWO hosts,  of Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!

This week's Feature:

Hard print (real thing) or Kindle/Nook, which is your favorite? 

This is a very unfair question, both types of book have their pro's and con's but right now my favorite format is Kindle since it's cheaper but if I had access to unlimited money I would choose Hard Print

16 comentarios:

Sara dijo...

I agree they each have pro's and con's. I think holding a real book is hard to beat though.

New follower Sara @ ramblings of a booknerd

Azee M on 30 de enero de 2015, 1:12 dijo...

I too have to have a cut on my budget for books now and then so Kindle is a savior as I can buy more books but with cheaper prices. I still miss the smell of hardprints though. :)
Azee @ UnderCover Critique

Check out My FF Post!

nikita aka njkinny on 30 de enero de 2015, 4:27 dijo...

I love hard print more but I have a balanced shelf. Although I love hardcovers better but still ebooks are more convenient to carry around. :)

Old follower


-Njkinny @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

Marsha Spohn on 30 de enero de 2015, 7:30 dijo...

If I had unlimited funds, I would have a huge library in my home full of nothing but hardcover books (with a section for paperbacks). But since my funds are not unending - I buy my favorite authors' novels in physical books - and use Kindle for it's convenience, NetGalley and those books I can't afford in their physical form. I use and love both.

Old follower on Bloglovin'

My FF this week

Tracy on 30 de enero de 2015, 10:26 dijo...

I love seeing my books on the shelf! And what if the zombie apocalypse happened and Kindles didn't work?! :O Haha! I love my hard copies! :P Old follower!

Here's my F&F!

Krystianna on 30 de enero de 2015, 10:26 dijo...

I prefer hard copy books because then I can put them on my bookshelves and see all of the books I've read. I just love holding the books in my hands and everything; I don't really enjoy e-reading though that may be because when I do read an e-book I have to read it on my iphone and that screen is so tiny! I'm a bloglovin follower.

Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

soulunsung dijo...

Haha, it is an unfair question, but a really good though for discussion. lol. It's something that I'd been thinking about talking about on the blog at some point, so I was kind of glad to see it asked. But, I'm kind of with you on the Kindle front, it is a bit cheaper and it is a lot easier to have a ton of eBooks on at your disposal when you're traveling or going to those doctor's appointments. Plus, I find that it frees me up to take more chances with what I'm reading, because it's not as expensive as hardcopies of books are. :)

Happy Reading and Hopping Through! :)
Suz @ A Soul Unsung

lizasarusrex dijo...

I usually only buy the books I love and will read over and over. I treasure those the most.

Check out my


Paulina on 31 de enero de 2015, 9:13 dijo...

Kindle certainly has been a savior, especially here in Mexico where a paperback can cost 25-25 dollars and hardcovers cost $45 and up. Thanks for stopping by.

Paulina on 31 de enero de 2015, 9:27 dijo...

Nothing compares to a real book but it is nice to be able to carry around all you books in a little device that hardly wights anything. Thanks for following.

Paulina on 31 de enero de 2015, 9:27 dijo...

I agree, my Kindle has been great for when I travel, it helps that I don0t have to pick which books to bring for with books to leave behind. Thanks for stopping by.

Paulina on 31 de enero de 2015, 9:41 dijo...

Same here, I buy Kindle books first because if I don't like them they won't take up space.

Paulina on 31 de enero de 2015, 10:12 dijo...

I like seeing my shelves filled with books too but right now I'm running out of space so I'm buying more and more kindle books. Thanks for stopping by:)

Paulina on 31 de enero de 2015, 16:14 dijo...

Me too especially since printed books are expensive in my country (México)

Paulina on 31 de enero de 2015, 16:27 dijo...

Also there are tons of free books daily and that helps you discover new authors. Thanks for stopping by.

Azee M on 1 de febrero de 2015, 2:26 dijo...

Oh yeah, it's heartbreaking how expensive a hardcover could be. :) No problem!

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