Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish. Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.
This week is Top Ten Books that I'm not Sure If I Want To Read

1) Landline by Rainbow Rowell.
Hype is definitely responsible for this one, I blame Hype for giving me super high expectations about other Rainbow Rowell books and they've been ok but not as great as I was expecting.
2) Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare
I think that after expanding her original series into six books and then writting a sort of prequel and other books, last I checked about 11, about the Shadowhunter world we don't need another series of at least three books. I don't hate the books I just think that Clare has already written too much about it and I would really enjoy seeing something different from her.
3) Four A Divergent Collection by Veronica Roth
I liked Four, he has never been my favorite but I did enjoy reading about him in Divergent and Insurgent but then came Allegiant and The Transfer and he was ruined for me. I just don't like how Roth writes him, in Allegiant there were times that I couldn't tell the difference between his voice and Tri's.
4) Anna and The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
I've heard wonderful things about this book and everyone seems to love it, the only thing that makes me hesitate is the summary, it tells me that who I assume is the love interest has a serious girlfriend. The thing is in most YA books that I've read if the main character has a girlfriend she is automatically classified as a bitch and slut for getting in the way of true love and I don't anyone likes a person who is clearly interested in our significant other.
I have many more but these are the ones I've spent the most times thinkig about wether I shpuld give them a chance or just ignore them.