Thursday Thoughts is an original, weekly meme created by Ok, Let's Read. The idea for this feature was brought about by several conversations I've had with bookish friends in my daily life. I noticed that not everyone has the same mindset about certain aspects of reading, books, and everything bookish and wanted to not only share my own opinions on things, but hear other people's feelings on topics that we might not feel the same way about.
Today I'm sharing my thoughts on The Power
of Social Media.
I think social
media has been an amazing tool for authors; it helps them communicate faster with
their reader, share news and find out what people think about their work but at
the same time it can be hard for readers because sadly some authors can’t take criticism
and attack readers.
I personally
like seeing what authors tweet because they’ll post updates, giveaways, promote
other authors and they can answer questions and this was something you couldn’t
do before.