martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West Review

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 19:00 0 Comments
Title: The Fill-In Boyfriend
Series: None
Author:Kasie West 
Date Published: May 5th 2015 
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers

When Gia Montgomery's boyfriend, Bradley, dumps her in the parking lot of her high school prom, she has to think fast. After all, she'd been telling her friends about him for months now. This was supposed to be the night she proved he existed. So when she sees a cute guy waiting to pick up his sister, she enlists his help. The task is simple: be her fill-in boyfriend— two hours, zero commitment, a few white lies. After that, she can win back the real Bradley.

The problem is that days after prom, it's not the real Bradley she's thinking about, but the stand-in. The one whose name she doesn't even know. But tracking him down doesn't mean they're done faking a relationship. Gia owes him a favor and his sister intends to see that he collects: his ex-girlfriend's graduation party — three hours, zero commitment, a few white lies.

Just when Gia begins to wonder if she could turn her fake boyfriend into a real one, Bradley comes waltzing back into her life, exposing her lie, and threatening to destroy her friendships and her new-found relationship.

This is my very first contemporary novel by Kasie West and I honestly didn't expect to like this as much as I did and now I'm planning on buying all of her contemporary Ya books, it was a very easy read that made me smile so much 

I really enjoyed Gia, sure at the beginning of the book she was the popular girl that only seemed to care for herself and what others think of her but the way she was written lets you see that there is  a reason for her need of approval. The fact that once she noticed that her behavior towards people she didn't really care about wasn't the best she made an effort to fix things and she also admits her mistakes instead of blaming the on other people.

As for Fill-in Bradley I liked that he was not the broken bad boy rebel kind, sure he knows heart break and has a trust issues bur he has a very good reason for them and despite these issues he doesn't use them as an excuse to treat Gia, or women in general, badly. 

My only reason for not giving the book five stars is that the ending lacked resolution for me, through out the book we saw Gia worry over her friends and their opinion and she genuinely cared for them, I didn't expect Jules to show remorse but it would have been nice for Claire and the others to question what made Gia feel so insecure about their friendship that she felt the need to lie.

Final Rating

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