The Feature and and and Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, of Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!
This weeks question:
How do you write your reviews? - Suggested by Blue Books and Butterflies.
Sometimes, especially with books I didn't like, I write them right after finishing the book but most of the time I make a list of things I liked, didn't like and random thoughts I had while reading.
How do you write your reviews? - Suggested by Blue Books and Butterflies.
Sometimes, especially with books I didn't like, I write them right after finishing the book but most of the time I make a list of things I liked, didn't like and random thoughts I had while reading.
It looks something like this, after listing my thought I try to order them into making sense