miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Pro's and Con's

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30

Last year my parents bough me an Amazon Kindle Paperwhite, it lasted about a year but I broke it fortunately  mom and dad got me a new one for Christmas


-You can take all your books with you. Forget about the days that you had to pick carefully which book to take with you, right now my Kindle has over 1,100 books and it still has space!

- The battery lasts a lot. Note that this is only the case when the wifi is turned off.

- E books are cheaper than printed books.

-The instant delivery of your purchases is awesome. I finished book 1 in a series and bought book two right after.

-If you don't like a book you just delete it and it won't take up space.


- The screen is black and white only.

-Although you can highlight and make notes it's not the same as with a real book.

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