Series: The Bane Chronicles #10
Author:Cassandra Clare
Pages: 40
Release Date: March 18th 2014
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books
Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood might fall in love—but first they have a first date.
When Magnus Bane, warlock, meets Alec Lightwood, Shadowhunter, sparks fly. And what happens on their first date lights a flame...
The last installment of the Bane Chronicles was
the one book I could not wait to own, it promised me the first date of my
favorite couple: Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood. I preordered it, marked my
calendar, spoke about it every time I could and this Tuesday when I turned on
my kindle it was there! I should have seen the signs that it might not be what
I was expecting.
The first sign was the change of titles in the
Then the constant release date changes:
But I’m a naïve fool so when I finally had it I was
so happy:
But after reading I was:
I have seriously read better written fan
fiction than this; after all those changes in release dates I was expecting a
great short story but it just fell flat, frankly I just want my money back or
Cassandra Clare to tell me that it was a joke and give me a brand new book that
showcases how amazing Alec and Magnus are.