jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

March 2016 Reading Challenge update

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 2 Comments

Ok, College is proving to be the bane of my reading time, exams and homework kept me from buying and reading  for two weeks but I still decided to start another three month reading challenge.

The Goodreads Reading Challenge 

I bumped this one up to 100, I'm thinking about bumping it up to 150 but at the rate school is going I'm divided on it.

Young Adult Book Club
's A-Z Reading Challenge 2016 

Overall Progress: 24/26

I didn't have any progress on this challenge because I'm stuck on the letters Q and X so if anyone knows of books that have these letters in the title or the author's name or last name please tell me.

Young Adult Book Club's Quarterly Challenge #21 (March 1-May 31, 2016) 

I've read 4/10

1. Read a book that is a new release published in March, April or May of 2016.

2. Read a book whose title starts with one of the letters of the word SPRING: Riders by Veronica Rossi

3. March is Women's History Month. Read a book with a strong female protagonist: The Rule of Mirrors by Caragh M. O'Brien

4. March 25 is Tolkein Reading Day. Read a book in the fantasy genre: The Shadow Queen by C. J. Redwine

5. April 2 is Children's Book Day. Read a book from your childhood or any children's book. Some ideas here:

6. April 10 is Sibling Day. Read a book where the main characters are siblings or the main character has a sibling with a large role in the book: The Word for Yes by Claire Needlle

7. April 20 is Chinese Language Day. Read a book set in East Asia, written by an Asian author, translated from an original Asian language or with an Asian protagonist. 

8. May is Get Caught Reading Month. Read any book of your choice, but it has to be read entirely in public.

9. May 4 is Star Wars Day! Read a science fiction book or a book set in space.

10. May 24 is Victoria's Day (in Canada and also my birthday so bias). Read a historical book or a book with a character from history.

My TBR Challenge

I'm going slow in this challenge because I've been reading more new releases lately but I'm halfway done with the challenge.


The Sisters by Claire Douglas August 13th 2015

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

The One (The Selection #3) by Kiera Cass Review

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 0 Comments
Title: The One 
Series: The Selection #3
Author: Kiera Cass 
Date Published:  May 6th 2014 
Publisher:  HarperCollins Publisher

The time has come for one winner to be crowned.

When she was chosen to compete in the Selection, America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown—or to Prince Maxon's heart. But as the end of the competition approaches, and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious, America realizes just how much she stands to lose—and how hard she'll have to fight for the future she wants.

When the Selection first came out I loved it, read it in one sitting, pre ordered The Elite as soon as I could but halfway down the second book things started to go downhill and sadly it wasn't just a case of second book syndrome.

Things I liked:

Seeing more of the other girls, especially the fact that America started to see them as human beings rather than just things that were in her way.

Things I didn't like:

America, this made me quite sad because I absolutely loved her in the first book but as the series progresses she just annoyed me most of the time. I think something that annoyed me a lot was that the author kept trying to force down my throat  the idea that America is a good person, when reading a book I judge characters based on their actions and not what authors tell me  plus I agree with Elise, America tended to act like she was some kind of saint.

-I honestly think America should have chosen to remain single, the way I saw it she didn't like/love Aspen or Maxon, her affections was easily won by the guy who always did what she wanted and never disagreed with her.

Things that were missing:

During the whole series I would have liked to see more of the world outside the palace and have more time with the Rebels this was supposed to be a dystopia after all.

Final Rating:

 photo rating_zpsnhtrqt63.png

martes, 29 de marzo de 2016

Waiting on Wednesday: Burning by Danielle Rollins

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 1 Comment

Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spinethat spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Title:  Burning 
Series: -
Author: Danielle Rollins
Date Published: April 5th 2016 
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens

Orange is the New Black gets a unique YA twist in this creepy story of the darkness that dwells in each of us.

After three years in juvie, Angela Davis is just a few months shy of release, and she'll finally be free from the hole that is Brunesfield Correctional Facility. Then Jessica arrives. Only ten years old and under the highest security possible, this girl has to be dangerous, even if no one knows what she did to land in juvie. As strange things begin happening to Angela and her friends that can only be traced to the new girl's arrival, it becomes clear that Brunesfield is no longer safe. They must find a way to get out, but how can they save themselves when the world has forgotten them?

Readers will be rooting for Angela and her friends to find the truth and save themselves in this spine-tingling story rich with secrets and conspiracies.

I'm not a fan of Orange is the New Black and this books it pitched like the YA version of the show but I haven't read many YA books that take place in juvie so it will certainly make a a nice change of pace.

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

10 Of My Most Recent 5 Star Reads

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 1 Comment

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish.  Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.

This weeks topic:

Top Ten Of My Most Recent 5 Star Reads

I haven't given many 5 star ratings lately, these are the ones I've given in2015 and 2016

Assassin's Heart (Assassin's Heart #1) by Sarah Ahiers

We Are The Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson 

Ignite (Defy #2) by Sara B. Larson (Goodreads Author)

Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas

How to Say I Love You Out Loud by Karole Cozzo

Empire of Shadows (Bhinian Empire #2) by Miriam Forster

The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West

domingo, 27 de marzo de 2016

Monday Book Recommendations: Thicker Than Water by Kelly (Fiore) Stultz

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 0 Comments

Monday is the day I choose what new books I’m going to start reading but I have so many books in my To Read Pile that sometimes it’s hard to choose so I have decided that on Monday mornings I’ll recommend some  of  my favorite books.

Title: Thicker Than Water by Kelly (Fiore) Stultz
Series: -
Author: Kelly (Fiore) Stultz
Date Published: January 5th 2016

Publisher: HarperTeen 

Cecelia Price killed her brother. At least, that’s what the police and the district attorney are saying. And although Cecelia is now locked up and forced into treatment, she knows the real story is much more complicated.

Cyrus wasn’t always the drug-addled monster he’d become. He was a successful athlete, but when an injury forced him off the soccer field and onto pain medication, his life became a blur of anger, addiction, and violence. All CeCe could do was stand by and watch, until she realized one effective way to take away her brother’s drugs while earning the money she needed for college: selling the pills.

Soon, CeCe becomes part drug dealer, part honor student. But even when all she wants is to make things right, she learns that sometimes the best intentions lead to the worst possible outcome.

Thicker than Water is an unforgettable dark, harrowing look into the disturbing truth of drug addiction and the desperate love of a sister watching her brother deteriorate before her eyes.

I have to admit that this book didn't go as expected in the best way posible way.

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016

Weekly Recap March 20th-March 26th

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 22:26 0 Comments

Monday Book Recommendations:

Top Ten Tuesday:

Waiting on Wednesday:


On the Blog:

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2016

Stacking The Shelves (80)

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 3 Comments

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews. It is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends.

So after two weeks of not being able to buy or read anything because of College, I was able to have some shopping done during my Easter break. It's not a huge haul but I was feeling picky for some reason.


jueves, 24 de marzo de 2016

Reading Habits Book Tag

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 0 Comments

I cant remember where I saw this but I loved the idea so feel free to answer this on your blog just leave a comment with a link to your answers.

1. Do you have a certain place for reading at home?

I tend to read in my bed or in my desk, this way and can read and do homework

2. Bookmark or random piece of paper?

Ribbons! although I love bookmarks I always loose them but I have a pretty big collection of ribbons so I always use those.

3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter or a certain number of pages?

Definitely ate the end of the chapter, otherwise I feel like I'm cheating for some reason

4. Do you eat or drink when reading?

I take brakes to go for snacks and water so I can stretch my body a little bit.

5. Do you watch TV or listen to music whilst reading?

Both, usually my tv is on but muted and I have my headphones on, for some reason I focus a lot better in these conditions

6. One book at a time or several at once?

Multiple books, otherwise I tend to finish books in one sitting  so reading many t the same time forces me to pace myself.

7. Reading at home or everywhere?

Everywhere  but I prefer to read at home.

8. Reading out loud or silently in your head?

In my head, I hate when people read aloud to themselves

9. Do you ever read ahead or skip passages?

I'm guilty of sometimes reading ahead but only if I start suspecting something might ruin the entire book for me.

10. Breaking the spine or keeping it new?

I'm divided on this one, I love looking at a bookshelf and being able to see which the favorite are because they are more worn than other books but at the same time I love for my books to be in a pristine condition.

11. Do you write in your books?

 Yep, I'll doodle, underline my favorite texts or write my thoughts in the margins

12. What are you currently reading?

The "A song of Ice and Fire Series"

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016

After Anna by Alex Lake Mini Review

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 19:17 0 Comments
Title: After Anna by Alex Lake
Series: -
Author: After Anna by Alex Lake
Date Published: July 30th 2015 

Publisher: Killer Reads

The real nightmare starts when her daughter is returned… 

A bone-chilling psychological thriller that will suit fans of Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, Daughter by Jane Shemilt, and The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins.

A girl is missing. Five years old, taken from outside her school. She has vanished, traceless. The police are at a loss; her parents are beyond grief. Their daughter is lost forever, perhaps dead, perhaps enslaved. But the biggest mystery is yet to come: one week after she was abducted, their daughter is returned. She has no memory of where she has been. And this, for her mother, is just the beginning of the nightmare.


-The way the author portrayed the media was spot on. I have to admit that I have judged people based on what I've heard/read about them on social media even if I don't have all the details of the story, so the hashtags and the way the public reacted to Julia gave the book a little extra.


This books proves that first impressions do matter, I got of on the wrong foot with Julia with her whole ramblings of respecting her husband more if he had cheated on her ad other stuff; I was honestly pu of by her and I just never warmed up to her after that and even with her child missing she still came of as a bit selfish because all she could think of was how this was affecting her and not how Anna might be fairing.

Final Rating:

 photo rating_zpsnhtrqt63.png photo rating_zpsnhtrqt63.png photo rating_zpsnhtrqt63.png

martes, 22 de marzo de 2016

Waiting on Wednesday: The Beast by J.R. Ward

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 1 Comment

Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spinethat spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Title: The Beast 
Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood #14 
Author: J.R. Ward 
Date Published: April 5th 2016 
Publisher: NAL

Rhage and Mary return in a new novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, a series “so popular, I don’t think there’s a reader today who hasn’t at least heard of [it]” (USA Today).

Nothing is as it used to be for the Black Dagger Brotherhood. After avoiding war with the Shadows, alliances have shifted and lines have been drawn. The slayers of the Lessening Society are stronger than ever, preying on human weakness to acquire more money, more weapons, more power. But as the Brotherhood readies for an all-out attack on them, one of their own fights a battle within himself…

For Rhage, the Brother with the biggest appetites, but also the biggest heart, life was supposed to be perfect—or at the very least, perfectly enjoyable. Mary, his beloved shellan, is by his side and his King and his brothers are thriving. But Rhage can’t understand—or control—the panic and insecurity that plague him…

And that terrifies him—as well as distances him from his mate. After suffering mortal injury in battle, Rhage must reassess his priorities—and the answer, when it comes to him, rocks his world...and Mary’s. But Mary is on a journey of her own, one that will either bring them closer together or cause a split that neither will recover from... 

I honestly haven't been enjoying this series for a while but Rhage's books has always been one of my favorites  so I have my fingers crossed for this book to have the same magic the series had in earlier book.

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016

Ten Books I Really Love But Feel Like I Haven't Talked About Enough/In A While

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 3 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish.  Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.

This weeks topic:

Top Ten Books I Really Love But Feel Like I Haven't Talked About Enough/In A While

The Night Circus by Erin Morgersten

The Frost Chronicles by Kate Avery Ellison

Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

River of Time Series by Lisa Tawn Bergren

Razorland by Ann Aguirre

18984 by Geroge Orwell

Iron Fey Series by Julie Kagawa

Lost Souls by Tiffany Truit

Inwind by Neal Shusterman

domingo, 20 de marzo de 2016

Monday Book Recommendations: I Am Her Revenge by Meredith Moore

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 0 Comments

Monday is the day I choose what new books I’m going to start reading but I have so many books in my To Read Pile that sometimes it’s hard to choose so I have decided that on Monday mornings I’ll recommend some  of  my favorite books.

Title: I Am Her Revenge 
Series: -
Author: Meredith Moore
Date Published: April 7th 2015 
Publisher: Razorbill

She can be anyone you want her to be.
Vivian was raised with one purpose in life: to exact revenge on behalf of her mother. Manipulative and cruel, Mother has deprived Vivian not only of a childhood, but of an original identity. With an endless arsenal of enticing personalities at her disposal, Vivian is a veritable weapon of deception.

And she can destroy anyone.
When it’s time to strike, she enrolls in a boarding school on the English moors, where she will zero in on her target: sweet and innocent Ben, the son of the man who broke Mother’s heart twenty years ago.

Anyone… except for the woman who created her.
With every secret she uncovers, Vivian comes one step closer to learning who she really is. But the more she learns about herself, the more dangerous this cat and mouse game becomes. Because Mother will stop at nothing to make sure the truth dies with her.

It definitely reminded me of that show Revenge but during the earlier seasons when it was still good

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016

Maroon Five Concert!!

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 1 Comment

So Maroon Five came to Mexico on tour and apparently they are my brother's favorite band and he asked for tickets as a Christmas present. Since he is only 13 my parents asked if I minded going with him, I mean who would mind getting to see Adam Levine? We were also joined by one of my cousins who is pretty awesome.

My cousin on the left, the brother is in the middle  and I'm on the right:)

We were unable to get tickets on the official sales so we were only able to get resale tickets almost at the top of the arena but still worth it.

I had to take a Selfie at the end of the concert just to remember an awesome night. My brothers first concert was amazing the only downside was that I had a 7 a.m. class the next day (but I managed to survive).


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