Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish. Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.
This week is Top Ten Places Books Have Made Me Want To Visit
1)England: This is a place I have dreamed of visiting since I'm a little girl, if I ever get to visit it's going to be hard to leave.
2) Narnia: but like in a time of peace definitely not during The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
3)The Alps: I blame Heidi for this one.
4)Alagaësia: I would love to live there but not during Eragon's time, I would love to be there before Galbatorix took over so I could see the Riders and their Dragons
5)The Nautilus: I know that this isn't exactly a geographic location but I'm very curious to see Captain Nemo's Submarine.
6)Julie Kagawa's Never Never: I think everyone at some loin has wanted to live among fairies and I am no exception
7) Paris: The City of Love
8)Boston: Many boarding school books take place in Boston and they all describe it like a lovely place, I want to go there in the fall.
9)Avonelea: I need to visit the place where Anne Shirley grew up.
10)England: I know it was my first pick but I want to go there so much that I decided to write it again.