Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish. Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.
So this week I'm listing my favorite fairytale retellings and some stories I would like to see retold.
This weeks topic:
Ten Fairytale Retellings I've Read/Want To Read (or you could do fairytales I want to be retold or fairytales I love)
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
I love these retellings of classic fairytales that include a twist of Androids and Aliens
Princess by Jessica Day George
A series that showcases the Twelve Dancing Princess and the adventures they have after their curse is lifted, these adventures are also based on classic fairytales
A Long Long Sleep
A pretty interesting take on Sleeping Beauty, I never thought the story could have a dystopian twist.
Dorothy Must Die
Although it's not a fairytale I really like how the author has revamped the world of Oz
Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
One of the few truly dark YA retellings I've read, my favorite thing about this universe is the world building the author has done
The Wild Swans by Hans Christian Andersen
One of my favorite stories as a kid, I haven't seen any retellings but I'd like to see some give it a new twist wether it happens in modern times or tin the original timeline.
The Princess and the Pea
This could probably make a very cute novella, wether it's sweet or dark, if it's dark it would be great if Rosamund Hodge wrote it.
The Frog Prince
Maybe instead of focusing on how the frog convinced the Princess to kiss it would be nice to see what exactly did the Price do to get cursed in the first place.
Snow White
Honestly this is my least favorite of the classic fairytales so I need a new version of this story to redeem it in my eyes.
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
I honestly want to see how this story would work in the modern world.