lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Characters You Just Didn't Click With

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 9 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish.  Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.

This weeks topic:

 Ten Characters You Just Didn't Click With

1) Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy) 

Well I didn't like her for the first two books in the series then she grew on me but I almost gave up on Vampire Academy because of her.

2)America Singer (The Selection)

 I liked her a lot in the Selection but in the next book she turned into  whiny brat and she never redeemed herself in my eyes.

3)Eadlyn schreave (The Selection)

 First of all how do you say her name? Unlike her mother I never liked her she was a brat from day one; she was more worried about her crowns and the fact that she didn't have a pool than the fact that her people hated her.

4) Andrea Sachs (The Devil Wears Prada)

Movie Andrea didn't like fashion but was willing to work her butt off, the book version of Andrea was a girl with a "I'm not like most girls" complex.

5) Sadie Bryant (The Hit List)

 I don't know how the world of professional world of ballet works but I'm pretty sure that the phrase "The show must go on" applies when a dance gets hurt; Sadie spends many chapter complaining that her partner accepted a contract with a dance company that didn't include er.

6) Michael Realm (The Program)

I never understood what Sloane saw in him, he was never dreamy but creepy in my eyes.

7) Mara Lowe (No Good Duke Goes Unpunished)

She faked her death to avoid getting married to an old man, that's understandable but what I don't get is why she was ok with framing an innocent man of murder and after she confessed she was very shocked to learn that she was not forgiven. For some reason the guy she framed ended up falling in love with her.

8) Penelope Landlow (Hold Me Like a Breath)

Her voice never grew up, it always felt like I was still reding the spoiled little girl from the flashbacks.

9) Lizzie Summers (The Daughters)

In many books I've read about horrible mothers that should have they're kids taken away from them, Lizzie's mothers crimes against her daughter is being beautiful and ambitious. Yes your mom is a super model that capitalized on her fame, she is not opening her business to ruin your life, she is also not inviting you to important events in her life so you will feel bad, please get over yourself.

10) Aza Ray (Magonia)

This one hit a bit close to home since my brother has a kidney disease so I've spent a while in hospitals and seeing all types pf patients, I've seen many of them act like Aza, since they have a disease they feel like everyone owns them something so they have the right to treat everyone horribly, especially her parents, I wanted to shake her and scream that 99.99999% of parents would gladly suffer eternally in exchange for their kids health, Aza's parents included but she still was a bitch to them. (sorry for my language)

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