lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Characters You Just Didn't Click With

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 9 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish.  Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.

This weeks topic:

 Ten Characters You Just Didn't Click With

1) Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy) 

Well I didn't like her for the first two books in the series then she grew on me but I almost gave up on Vampire Academy because of her.

2)America Singer (The Selection)

 I liked her a lot in the Selection but in the next book she turned into  whiny brat and she never redeemed herself in my eyes.

3)Eadlyn schreave (The Selection)

 First of all how do you say her name? Unlike her mother I never liked her she was a brat from day one; she was more worried about her crowns and the fact that she didn't have a pool than the fact that her people hated her.

4) Andrea Sachs (The Devil Wears Prada)

Movie Andrea didn't like fashion but was willing to work her butt off, the book version of Andrea was a girl with a "I'm not like most girls" complex.

5) Sadie Bryant (The Hit List)

 I don't know how the world of professional world of ballet works but I'm pretty sure that the phrase "The show must go on" applies when a dance gets hurt; Sadie spends many chapter complaining that her partner accepted a contract with a dance company that didn't include er.

6) Michael Realm (The Program)

I never understood what Sloane saw in him, he was never dreamy but creepy in my eyes.

7) Mara Lowe (No Good Duke Goes Unpunished)

She faked her death to avoid getting married to an old man, that's understandable but what I don't get is why she was ok with framing an innocent man of murder and after she confessed she was very shocked to learn that she was not forgiven. For some reason the guy she framed ended up falling in love with her.

8) Penelope Landlow (Hold Me Like a Breath)

Her voice never grew up, it always felt like I was still reding the spoiled little girl from the flashbacks.

9) Lizzie Summers (The Daughters)

In many books I've read about horrible mothers that should have they're kids taken away from them, Lizzie's mothers crimes against her daughter is being beautiful and ambitious. Yes your mom is a super model that capitalized on her fame, she is not opening her business to ruin your life, she is also not inviting you to important events in her life so you will feel bad, please get over yourself.

10) Aza Ray (Magonia)

This one hit a bit close to home since my brother has a kidney disease so I've spent a while in hospitals and seeing all types pf patients, I've seen many of them act like Aza, since they have a disease they feel like everyone owns them something so they have the right to treat everyone horribly, especially her parents, I wanted to shake her and scream that 99.99999% of parents would gladly suffer eternally in exchange for their kids health, Aza's parents included but she still was a bitch to them. (sorry for my language)

domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015

Monday Book Recommendations: Anna Series by Kendra Blake

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 0 Comments

Monday is the day I choose what new books I’m going to start reading but I have so many books in my To Read Pile that sometimes it’s hard to choose so I have decided that on Monday mornings I’ll recommend some  of  my favorite books.

Title: Anna Dressed In Blood
Series: Anna #1
Author: Kendra Blake
Date Published: October 17th 2011
Publisher: Tom Doherty

as Lowood has inherited an unusual vocation: He kills the dead.

So did his father before him, until he was gruesomely murdered by a ghost he sought to kill. Now, armed with his father's mysterious and deadly athame, Cas travels the country with his kitchen-witch mother and their spirit-sniffing cat. They follow legends and local lore, destroy the murderous dead, and keep pesky things like the future and friends at bay.

Searching for a ghost the locals call Anna Dressed in Blood, Cas expects the usual: track, hunt, kill. What he finds instead is a girl entangled in curses and rage, a ghost like he's never faced before. She still wears the dress she wore on the day of her brutal murder in 1958: once white, now stained red and dripping with blood. Since her death, Anna has killed any and every person who has dared to step into the deserted Victorian she used to call home.

Yet she spares Cas's life.

Title: Girl of Nightmares
Series: Anna #2
Author: Kendra Blake
Date Published: August 7th 2012
Publisher: Tor Teen 

It's been months since the ghost of Anna Korlov opened a door to Hell in her basement and disappeared into it, but ghost-hunter Cas Lowood can't move on. 

His friends remind him that Anna sacrificed herself so that Cas could live—not walk around half dead. He knows they're right, but in Cas's eyes, no living girl he meets can compare to the dead girl he fell in love with.

Now he's seeing Anna everywhere: sometimes when he's asleep and sometimes in waking nightmares. But something is very wrong...these aren't just daydreams. Anna seems tortured, torn apart in new and ever more gruesome ways every time she appears.

Cas doesn't know what happened to Anna when she disappeared into Hell, but he knows she doesn't deserve whatever is happening to her now. Anna saved Cas more than once, and it's time for him to return the favor.

I honestly didn't enjoy the second book as much as the first one but it's still a pretty good series.

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

Stacking The Shelves (67)

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 4 Comments

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews. It is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course e books!

This week I officially started college and I'm still adapting so books have been pushed to the side, that doesn't mean I didn't buy any.

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015

Feature and Follow Friday (55)

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 6 Comments

The Feature and and and Follow is hosted by TWO hosts,  of Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!

This week's question:

Share a random quote from the book you are currently reading.- Suggested by Journey Through Fiction

I've been reading a lot plenty but this one really stood out to me:

"It's really hard to say the words I love you when you know you'll likely never hear them back."
-How to say I love you out loud by Karole Coozzo

miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2015

Blogger Recognition Award

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 2 Comments

I was nominated by Ardis @ Pondering the Prose in the Blogger Recognition Award Tag!

This honestly made my week because I've been struggling with blogging lately, so this nomination gave a boost I really needed. Thank you for helping me not loose my love for blogging.


1.  Select 15 other blogs you want to give this award to.  Do some digging if you must!  Find those blogs.  You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you.

2.  Write a post to show off your award!  Give a brief story of how your blog got started, and give a piece or two of advice to new bloggers.  List who nominated you in your post.  Make sure to attach the award yourself.

3.  Comment on each blog and let them know you've nominated them.  Provide a  link to the award post you created.

4.  Provide a link to the original post on Edge of Night.  That way, anyone can find the original post if needed, and we can keep it from mutating and becoming confusing.

How I started

In late 2012 I had to drop out of College, suddenly I found myself with a lot of free time so to fill my time I read. It wasn't until late 2013 that I was finally brave enough to create my blog, it was nerve-wracking because I had all of these doubts about keeping up with  blog and if people would hate it. In the end my need to talk about books won and "The Little Book Pixie" was born.

Honestly didn't think I would be able to blog for more than a few months yet here we are, sometimes I feel like I'm still in share one getting the hang go things.

My Nominees are:
1) Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
2) Kimberlee Powe @ NewbieLibrarian
3)Kelly @ Diva Booknerd
4) Tizzy @ Creative Therapy
5) Lexie & Taschima @For the Sake of Reading
7) Dani @ Pen to Paper
8) Tina @ Pages of Comfort
9) Emily @ Reader Rising
10) Charnell @ Reviews from a Bookworm
11) Sharon @ Sharon's Book Nook
14) Claire @ Book Blog Bird

martes, 25 de agosto de 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: The Body Institute by Carol Riggs

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 2 Comments

Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spinethat spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Title: The Body Institute
Series: -
Author: Carol Riggs
Date Published: September 1st 2015
Publisher: Entangled Teen

Meet Morgan Dey, one of the top teen Reducers at The Body Institute. 

Thanks to cutting-edge technology, Morgan can temporarily take over another girl’s body, get her in shape, and then return to her own body—leaving her client slimmer, more toned, and feeling great. Only there are a few catches…

For one, Morgan won’t remember what happens in her “Loaner” body. Once she’s done, she won’t recall walks with her new friend Matt, conversations with the super-cute Reducer she’s been text-flirting with, or the uneasy feeling she has that the director of The Body Institute is hiding something. Still, it’s all worth it in the name of science. Until the glitches start…

Suddenly, residual memories from her Loaner are cropping up in Morgan’s mind. She’s feeling less like herself and more like someone else. And when protests from an anti–Body Institute organization threaten her safety, she’ll have to decide if being a Reducer is worth the cost of her body and soul…

Dystopian novels are some of my favorites but there were too many of them during 2012-2014 and many of them were horribly written so I stopped reading them, since the Dystopian YA craze seems to be dying down I think I'm ready to buy them again.

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books That Would Be On Your Syllabus If You Taught X 101

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 2 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish.  Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.

So this week I'm listing my favorite fairytale retellings and some stories I would like to see retold.

This weeks topic:

Top Ten Books That Would Be On Your Syllabus If You Taught a Kindergarten class

I think that if your not taught to love reading from a young age it will become harder for a person to enjoy reading so according to studies kids are usually thought to read in kindergarten so let's start as soon as possible.

1) Julie Finds a Friend by Julie Wyatt Schenk

2) Wombat Stew by Marcia K. Vaughan, Pamela Lofts

3) If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff

domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015

Monday Book Recommendations: Point 4 Series by Mike A. Lancaster

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 0 Comments

Monday is the day I choose what new books I’m going to start reading but I have so many books in my To Read Pile that sometimes it’s hard to choose so I have decided that on Monday mornings I’ll recommend some  of  my favorite books.

Title: .4
Series: Point 4 #1
Author: Mike Lancaster
Date Published: March 8th 2011
Publisher: Egmont

Kyle Straker volunteered to be hypnotized at the annual community talent show, expecting the same old lame amateur acts. But when he wakes up, his world will never be the same. Televisions and computers no longer work, but a strange language streams across their screens. Everyone’s behaving oddly. It’s as if Kyle doesn’t exit.
Is this nightmare a result of the hypnosis? Will Kyle wake up with a snap of fingers to roars of laughter? Or is this something much more sinister?

Narrated on a set of found cassette tapes at an unspecified point in the future, Human.4 is an absolutely chilling look at technology gone too far.

Title:  1.4 
Series: Point 4 #2 
Author: Mike Lancaster
Date Published: May 7th 2012

Publisher:  Egmont

It’s a brave new world. In the far future, people no longer know what to believe… Did Kyle Straker ever exist? Or were his prophecies of human upgrades nothing more than a hoax? Peter Vincent is nearly 16, and has never thought about the things that Strakerites believe. His father – David Vincent, creator of the artificial bees that saved the world’s crops – made sure of that. When the Strakerites pronounce that another upgrade is imminent, Peter starts to uncover a conspiracy amongst the leaders of the establishment, a conspiracy that puts him into direct conflict with his father. But it’s not a good idea to pick a fight with someone who controls all the artificial bees in the world. 

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

Feature and Follow Friday (54)

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 7 Comments

The Feature and and and Follow is hosted by TWO hosts,  of Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!

This week's question:

If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, what would you pick? Fictional ones count too! - Suggested by Book Cat Pin

From the real world I would love a tiger, my favorite animal ever and the one I always look for first in the zoo.

From the fictional animals I would like have a Dragon and be some kind of Dragon Rider like Eragon. If I could also ask for a Unicorn I would certainly appreciate it.

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2015

Back to School: Supply Haul

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 0 Comments
Although I started Freshman Orientation on Tuesday  classes won't formally start until next Monday, I already went and bough some supplies I need and some I really don't need but bought anyway.

1) Highlighters

My favorites brand is called Foray, this particular pack had six different colors so they are perfect for color coding.

2) Ballpoint Pens

I'm a sucker for pretty notes and these pens, also by Foray, are perfect for making my titles and subtitles look pretty.

3) Gel Pens

I'm not sure for what I'm going to use these but they reminded me of when I was in elementary school and used the for everything.

4) Colored Pens

I'm using these Papermate pens for my blog planner.

These four Bic. pens are another impulsive purchase but I'm sure I'll find a use for them.

5) Pencil cases

The blue plaid one will store all of my colorful pens plus scissors and glue stick; the British inspired one will take care of my basic writing tools.

6) Binder and Planner

A binder for all my notes and a DIY planned, I saw the cover and knew it was for me.

7) Markers

Because my life needs all the color it can get.

martes, 18 de agosto de 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: Legacy of Kings by Eleanor Herman

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 22:27 3 Comments

Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spinethat spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Title: Legacy of Kings
Series: Blood of Gods and Royals #1
Author: Eleanor Herman
Date Published: August 25th 2015
Publisher: Halequin Teen

Imagine a time when the gods turn a blind eye to the agony of men, when the last of the hellions roam the plains and evil stirs beyond the edges of the map. A time when cities burn, and in their ashes, empires rise.

Alexander, Macedonia’s sixteen-year-old heir, is on the brink of discovering his fated role in conquering the known world but finds himself drawn to newcomer Katerina, who must navigate the dark secrets of court life while hiding her own mission: kill the Queen. But Kat’s first love, Jacob, will go to unthinkable lengths to win her, even if it means competing for her heart with Hephaestion, a murderer sheltered by the prince. And far across the sea, Zofia, a Persian princess and Alexander’s unmet fiancée, wants to alter her destiny by seeking the famed and deadly Spirit Eaters.

Weaving fantasy with the salacious and fascinating details of real history, New York Times bestselling author Eleanor Herman reimagines the greatest emperor the world has ever known: Alexander the Great, in the first book of the Blood of Gods and Royals series.

I'm always on the look out for new series and this one looks quite interesting.


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