Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish. Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.
This weeks topic:
Freebie so I choseTop Ten Characters I'd Name My Kids After
Some of these characters are personal favorites and others I just like how they sound in my head.
1) Lyra Belacqua (His Dark Materials)
2) Tinsley Carmichael (It Girl)
3)Amalthea (The Last Unicorn)
4)Rose Weasley (Harry Potter)
5)Alex Sheathes (Delirium)
6) Arya (Eragon)
7) Amberly (The Selection)
8)Rosalie (Twilight)
9) Sara Crewe (A Little Princess)
10) Ash (The Iron Fey)