The Dragon Of The Month Club
Author:Iain Reading
Published :February 2015
Young Adult / Fantasy / Adventure
The Dragon Of The Month Club is the exciting first installment in a new book
series that tells the story of Ayana Fall and Tyler Travers, two best friends
who stumble across an extraordinarily magical book and soon find themselves
enrolled as members of a very special and exclusive club - The Dragon of the
Month Club.
On the thirteenth of every month a new dragon conjuring spell is
revealed and the two friends attempt to summon the latest Dragon of the Month.
The varieties are almost endless: Air Dragons, Paper Dragons, Fog Dragons,
Waterfall Dragons, Rock Dragons, Tree Dragons - not to mention special bonus
dragons for all the major holidays, including a particularly prickly Holly
Dragon for Christmas.
But one day when a conjuring spell somehow goes wrong Ayana and Tyler
find themselves unexpectedly drawn into a fantastical world of adventure based
on the various books scattered all across Tyler's messy bedroom. Travelling
from one book-inspired world to the next with nothing to rely on but their wits
and a cast of strange and exotic dragons at their disposal they must try to
somehow find their way home again.
Drawing inspiration
from some of literature's most memorable stories - from 19th century German
folktales to the streets of Sherlock Holmes's London - the adventures of Ayana
and Tyler bring these classic stories to life in delightfully strange and
unexpected ways. Filled with fascinating detail and non-stop action these books
will spark the imaginations of readers of all ages to inspire a life-long love
of reading and seeking out books that are just a little bit off the beaten
Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Chapter 2 – The Book
Following their most unlikely of beginnings, the
friendship of Ayana and Tyler grew quickly, and before they knew it, they were
the best of friends, meeting up with each other almost every day. Sometimes
they met up with Ayana’s mother after school at the downtown Dairy Queen for
ice cream. Other times they climbed the edges of the coulee behind Ayana’s
school and went to Tyler’s house where they did their homework together in his
room. But most of the time, they just agreed to meet up at the place where
they’d both accidentally bumped into each other on that very first day—amongst
the dusty old bookshelves of the old library at the row between the history of
the anatomy of earthworms and the illustrated guide to the indigenous mosses of
It was on just such a day that Ayana and Tyler
first discovered THE BOOK—a name that would be forever capitalised in
their minds whenever either of them dared to utter the phrase aloud.
It was a magical book. That much was clear
almost from the outset, so perhaps the manner in which these two unlikely
friends happened to come across it was magical as well.
It all started on a typical Friday afternoon.
Ayana and Tyler had agreed to meet at the library right after school. Tyler had
a dentist appointment and would either be a few minutes late or a few minutes
early, depending on how long that took. Not surprisingly Tyler was a few
minutes late. This could have been expected since Tyler took dentist
appointments very seriously. For weeks ahead of time he would be sure to
brush his teeth five times every single day—once when waking up, once after
breakfast, once after lunch, once after dinner, and once again before bed—which
was two more times a day than he usually did. (He normally deemed the wake-up
and after dinner steps unnecessary.) All of this was in addition to flossing,
rinsing, and otherwise generally trying to keep his teeth in the best possible
shape for the check-up.
To Tyler, going to the dentist was like studying
for a test in school. Failure was not an option. So it shouldn’t be much of a
surprise that once he was actually in the dental chair, he expected the dentist
to be every bit as thorough as he was, a process that required a bit more time
than it normally would with less fastidious patients.
So Tyler was late.
And so, when he finally arrived, he hurried down
the stairs and quickly navigated through the maze of shelves at the back of the
library and found Ayana sitting there, crouched on the floor, sobbing her eyes
Tyler sighed heavily. He could already guess
what must have happened: Heather van der Sloot... again.
He took off his backpack and set it on the
floor. Folding his legs under him, he lowered himself down until he was sitting
next to Ayana, not too close, of course, but as close as he dared to.
“What happened this time?” Tyler asked.
Ayana sobbed and buried her face even deeper in
her hands. After a moment her left arm shot out, pointing an accusing finger
toward a stack of soiled and dishevelled papers lying in a heap on an empty
space on the shelf opposite them.
“That,” Ayana cried, her voice thin and
Tyler stared at the papers, and it took him a
moment to realise what they were.
“Your poems,” he gasped.
Tyler had to take a breath and swallow. Ayana’s
poems were a work of art, neatly written in careful flowing script, one to a
page. Ayana carried them with her sometimes in a stiff green cardboard folder
with trees on it that had little strings that you used to tie it shut.
Ayana nodded, still sobbing.
“She threw them all over the playground,” she
said, her voice raspy. “She grabbed my tree folder away from me and threw them
everywhere. I... I ....”
Ayana stuttered and couldn’t speak for a second.
“I don’t know if I got them all back,” she
finally said, finishing her thought. “I think I lost some.”
Tyler nodded and crawled over on one knee to
pick up the chaotic stack of papers. He sorted through them, one by one, trying
to put them back into some kind of order. They were smeared and scratched and
crumpled. One even had a dirty footprint stamped squarely on it.
Normally Ayana wouldn’t even let Tyler glance at
one of her poems, so he was surprised that she wasn’t bothered by his looking
through all of them now. She clearly wasn’t thinking straight, so he tried to
make as neat a stack out of them as possible and set it down on the carpet in
the middle of the row of shelves.
“There are a lot there,” he said, sitting close
to her again. “Maybe you did get them all.”
Ayana shrugged her shoulders hopelessly.
“It doesn’t matter,” she said, staring blankly
at the pile of papers. “I don’t care.”
Tyler felt a sudden squeeze around his heart. He
had no idea what he was supposed to do to make Ayana feel better.
But as his mind was racing, trying to think of
something, the universe intervened.
“I hate her, Tyler,” Ayana said. “I HATE her!”
On this second last syllable, Ayana kicked at
the opposite shelves with the heel of her shoe, making the wooden frame shudder
and some of the books rattle around. One particular book—a small, thin one high
up on the very top shelf—tipped forward as if in slow motion until it was
hanging precariously at an impossible angle, almost as if it was levitating,
before tumbling end over end to the floor.
Tyler tried to
catch it but he was too slow, and instead it crashed into the stack of papers,
scattering them slightly, before it fell flat on its back, right side up right
in front of them.
how to conjure
your very own
in six easy steps the front
cover of THE BOOK in bright yellow letters against a wavy blue background.
Tyler frowned and
Ayana stopped crying for a moment. They both stared at THE BOOK with wide-open
eyes, neither of them quite able to believe what they were seeing.
“How to conjure a
dragon?” Ayana asked, kneeling forward to grab THE BOOK.
Tyler crawled next
to her as she opened the front cover.
THE BOOK was very
thin—more like a pamphlet, really— with no table of contents, no copyright
page, no dedication page. There wasn’t even an indication of who the author
might be. It just went straight into the first chapter, which was entitled:
the water dragon
“A water dragon?”
Tyler read over Ayana’s warm shoulder.
Underneath the chapter
title was a brief list of the various characteristics of the water dragon.
category: lesser
difficulty: medium
Below that was a
basic introduction and explanation of the dragon followed by some advice to
those who might want to conjure one:
this spell is a
relatively simple one, but be forewarned that the water dragon is a damp and
clumsy creature, prone to making messes and causing trouble. It is recommended
to have plenty of towels at hand when undertaking this conjuring.
Underneath this
brief introduction was a list of materials needed to actually conjure the
material(s): water, towels (optional)
And last but not
least came the instructions, six simple steps to conjuring your very own
dragon. Tyler could hardly believe what he was reading. The steps were so
simple. Just a series of strangely specific hand gestures performed by two
people simultaneously. The instructions even had little helpful sketches to
help you understand what to do.
It reminded Tyler
of IKEA assembly instructions when his parents bought new furniture and let him
put it together for them. But that was furniture made of wood and fabric and
those little IKEA screws that needed a special tool to screw them in. This was
supposed to be a dragon, whatever that meant. How could such simplistic
instructions possibly result in assembling anything, much less an actual
“We have to try this!” Ayana said excitedly.
There is an ongoing contest for readers to win a one-of-a-kind
hardcover version of The Dragon of the
Month Club with their artwork as the cover.
“Draw a picture! Write a story! Take a photograph! Bake some cookies!
Mold a dragon out of clay! Knit one out of yarn! Make one out of LEGO! Whatever
you want! Just let your imagination run wild because anything goes – the more
creative the better! Send your dragon in and then on the 13th day of every
month one entry will be chosen at random and featured on the official Dragon Of
The Month Club website. Each month’s lucky winner will also receive a free
one-of-a-kind personalized hard-cover edition of The Dragon Of The Month Club
book featuring their winning artwork (or other creative content) on the cover
or inside the book itself,” says Iain.