martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: The Iron Warrior by Julie Kagawa

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 22:25 2 Comments

Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spinethat spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Title: The Iron Warrior
Series: The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten #3
Author: Julie Kagawa
Date Published: October 27th 2015
Publisher: Harlequin Teen

The Iron Prince—my nephew—betrayed us all. 

He killed me. 

Then, I woke up. 

Waking after a month on the brink of death, Ethan Chase is stunned to learn that the Veil that conceals the fey from human sight was temporarily torn away. Although humankind's glimpse of the world of Faery lasted just a brief moment, the human world has been cast into chaos, and the emotion and glamour produced by fear and wonder has renewed the tremendous power of the Forgotten Queen. Now, she is at the forefront of an uprising against the courts of Summer and Winter—a reckoning that will have cataclysmic effects on the Nevernever. 

Leading the Lady's Forgotten Army is Keirran himself: Ethan's nephew, and the traitor son of the Iron Queen, Meghan Chase.To stop Keirran, Ethan must disobey his sister once again as he and his girlfriend, Kenzie, search for answers long forgotten. In the face of unprecedented evil and unfathomable power, Ethan's enemies must become his allies, and the world of the fey will be changed forevermore.

I know this came out yesterday but it's going to take  while before my copy arrives, so the wait continues for me.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015

Top Ten Creepiest Books Covers

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 11:06 5 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish.  Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.

This weeks topic:

Top Ten Creepiest Books Covers

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Monday Book Recommendations: The Vampire Stalker by Allison van Diepen

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 0 Comments

Monday is the day I choose what new books I’m going to start reading but I have so many books in my To Read Pile that sometimes it’s hard to choose so I have decided that on Monday mornings I’ll recommend some  of  my favorite books.

Title: The Vampire Stalker
Series: Standalone
Author:Allison van Diepen
Date Published:

What if the characters in a vampire novel left their world--and came into yours?

Amy is in love with someone who doesn't exist: Alexander Banks, the dashing hero in a popular series of vampire novels. Then one night, Amy meets a boy who bears an eerie resemblance to Alexander. In fact, he IS Alexander, who has escaped from the pages of the book and is in hot pursuit of a wicked vampire named Vigo. Together, Amy and Alexander set out to track Vigo and learn how and why Alexander crossed over. But when she and Alexander begin to fall for each other, Amy wonders if she even wants him to ever return to the realm of fiction.


sábado, 24 de octubre de 2015

Stacking The Shelves (70)

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 9:13 2 Comments

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews. It is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course e books!

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

Outspoken by Lora Richardson Book Spotlight

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 22:25 1 Comment

Title:  Outspoken

Standalone novel

Published: August 16, 2015


Penny Beck is a girl who says yes when she means no.  She keeps to herself, follows the rules, and does what she’s told.  After a disastrous experience with her boyfriend, she's determined to change from the spineless person she’s always been into the strong woman she wants to become.  All she needs is a little practice.  
On a cross-country trip to check on her grandpa, she strives to become bolder and more outspoken with the strangers she meets.  Penny's plan is to practice saying and doing what she wants without worrying about what anyone else thinks.
Then she meets Archer, an introspective loner to whom she finds herself drawn.  She realizes she does care what he thinks, very much.  Will Penny be able to stick to her plan, or will she revert back to her people-pleasing ways?


Her first list was finished.  The other one had two more items Penny had yet to find:  pickled eggs and canned tuna.  She walked back and forth at the end of the aisles, peering down each one and searching the shelves.  She didn’t even know what pickled eggs might look like.  Were they canned?  She got out her phone and started an image search for pickled eggs.
“I can help you find something, if you want,” a deep voice said from behind her, startling her.  “What are you looking for?”
She turned around.  Archer stood with his arms crossed over his chest, leaning against the meat cooler at the end of the aisle.  She didn’t know how he did it, but he made the green polo look spectacular.
“Pickled eggs.”  She tried to force her cheeks not to flush.  Those had to be the first words she ever said to him?
He pushed off from the cooler, and walked over to aisle six.  Penny followed.  As they walked, she gauged his height.  Her eyes had a great view of his armpit.  She sighed.  All through high school her height had gotten her dubbed as cute.  She feared she’d never be seen as a grown woman.
Archer stopped in the middle of the aisle, and she pushed her cart up beside him.  He pointed to a big glass jar of pink eggs.  They looked like specimens in formaldehyde.  Whale eyeballs.  It took two hands to grab a jar of them, and she put them in her cart.
“Thanks,” she said, but he was already gone.

Author Bio

Lora Richardson always dreamed of being a writer.  As a child, she wrote stories on her mom’s typewriter, and bound them with cardboard and tape.  She put away the stories for a time, but now that her own children are old enough to give her bits of quiet time here and there, she decided to make her dream of writing a novel come true.  
She lives in Indiana with her husband, two children, and two guinea pigs.  She spends her time reading, writing, homeschooling her kids, and hanging out with her people.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: If You're Lucky by Ivonne Prinx

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 1 Comment

Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spinethat spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Title: If you're Lucky
Series: Stadalone
Author: Yvonne Prinz
Date Published:

Is Georgia’s mind playing tricks on her, or is the entire town walking into the arms of a killer who has everyone but her fooled?
When seventeen-year-old Georgia’s brother drowns while surfing halfway around the world in Australia, she refuses to believe Lucky’s death was just bad luck. Lucky was smart. He wouldn’t have surfed in waters more dangerous than he could handle. Then a stranger named Fin arrives in False Bay, claiming to have been Lucky’s best friend. Soon Fin is working for Lucky’s father, charming Lucky’s mother, dating his girlfriend. Georgia begins to wonder: did Fin murder Lucky in order to take over his whole life?  

Determined to clear the fog from her mind in order to uncover the truth about Lucky’s death, Georgia secretly stops taking the medication that keeps away the voices in her head. Georgia is certain she’s getting closer and closer to the truth about Fin, but as she does, her mental state becomes more and more precarious, and no one seems to trust what she’s saying.

As the chilling narrative unfolds, the reader must decide whether Georgia’s descent into madness is causing her to see things that don’t exist–or to see a deadly truth that no one else can.  

“A remarkable page-turner . . . Keep[s] readers wondering, twist by twist, if Georgia’s universe will simply burst apart.” —Andrew Smith, author of Grasshopper Jungle

I'm really into thrillers this year and this seems like a good choice for me.

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

10 Wishes I'd Ask The Book Genie To Grant Me

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 11:47 2 Comments

op Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish.  Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.

This weeks topic:

10 Wishes I'd Ask The Book Genie To Grant Me 

1) A New Kindle

I broke my old Kindle and since I'm a poor College student I won't be able to buy a new one until December but it would be great to have one right now.

2) A house with a huge library like the one in Beauty & the Beast

My house is currently running out of space but it would be so cool to have a huge room just for my books.

3) All my books in hardcover copies

Although I   love ebooks and have nothing against paperbacks, I love having beautiful hardcover covers of books.

4) Firs edition copy of 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea

I saw a copy on Pawn Stars and I need one, sadly it was priced at $10,000.

5) Make George R. R. Martin finish his A Song of Fire and Ice series.

I seriously lost count of how many times the release has been pushed back, just give me the book.

6) To stop time while I read

It would be so cool to be able to pause time so I could read and do all the other things I need to do.

7) All of Barnes and Noble Leather bounds classics Collection

The covers are so pretty and would look lovely on my bookshelf.

8) Unlimited supply of book related merchandise

I can't go on Etsy anymore because I keep buying cute book themed things.

9) Get back all the books I let people borrow

I no longer lend people my books but I'm still waiting for the return of some books I mistakenly lent a friend when I was younger.

10) Unlimited funds for books

Books in my country are incredibly expensive, so I have to really budget which books to buy physical copies of, t would be great to just go to the bookstore and grab anything I wanted.

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

Monday Book Recommendations: The Youngbloods series by Lynn Viehl

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 0 Comments

Monday is the day I choose what new books I’m going to start reading but I have so many books in my To Read Pile that sometimes it’s hard to choose so I have decided that on Monday mornings I’ll recommend some  of  my favorite books.

Title: After Midnight
Series: The Youngblood's #1
Author: Lynn Viehl
Date Published: May 8th 2011

Publisher: Flux

Ever since the death of their parents, Catlyn Youngblood and her two older brothers have shared a nomadic existence, always moving from place to place. When they at last settle for good in the sleepy backwoods town of Lost Lake, Florida, Cat thinks she might finally have a normal life.

While riding her horse late one night, Cat meets an enigmatic boy named Jesse Raven. Even more strange than her overpowering attraction to him is Jesse's apparent aversion to daylight. Only under the cover of darkness can they meet. As Cat and Jesse's bond grows stronger, Cat discovers an incredible secret about the Ravens' and her own family's pasts--a secret that could destroy their love. Their families, knowing the truth, conspire to keep them apart. But Cat and Jesse will risk everything to be together . . . including death.


"Twilight crossed with Romeo and Juliet, this YA debut for Viehl has a lot of appeal and some genuinely surprising twists."--REALMS OF FANTASY

Title:  Dead of Night
Series: The Youngblood's #2 
Author: Lynn Viehl
Date Published:July 8th 2012
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications

True love . . . and an undying obsession 
Catlyn Youngblood has a secret life. Despite being a natural-born vampire hunter like her two older brothers, Cat has fallen for Jesse--an ageless boy from a centuries-old vampire clan. 
Cat's job cataloguing rare, mystical texts at a bookstore allows her to meet with Jesse alone every evening. But when girls who look disturbingly similar to Cat start disappearing from town, Cat and Jesse discover frightening clues to their whereabouts within the book collection. Together, they must stop a crazed man from realizing his dark scheme-- one that would claim Cat's life.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: The Immortal Heights by Sherry Thomas

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 0 Comments

Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spinethat spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

In a pursuit that has spanned continents, Iolanthe, Titus, and their friends have always managed to remain one step ahead of the forces of Atlantis. But now the Bane, the monstrous tyrant who bestrides the entire mage world, has issued his ultimatum: Titus must hand over Iolanthe, or watch as his entire realm is destroyed in a deadly rampage. Running out of time and options, Iolanthe and Titus must act decisively to deliver a final blow to the Bane, ending his reign of terror for good.

However, getting to the Bane means accomplishing the impossible—finding a way to infiltrate his crypt in the deepest recesses of the most ferociously guarded fortress in Atlantis. And everything is only made more difficult when new prophecies come to light, foretelling a doomed effort....

Iolanthe and Titus will put their love and their lives on the line. But will it be enough?

With The Immortal Heights, Sherry Thomas brings the acclaimed Elemental Trilogy to its breathtaking conclusion.

There's something about the writing in this series the I just love and can't get enough, I'm a bit sad that it's the last book in the series.

lunes, 12 de octubre de 2015

Top Ten Author Duos You'd LOVE To See Write A Book Together

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 2 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish.  Each week a new top ten list is posted, and to participate all you have to do is fill in YOUR top ten for the list.

This weeks topic:

 Top Ten Author Duos You'd LOVE To See Write A Book Together

1) Ann Aguirre & Julie Kagawa-Post apocalyptic novel

2) Leigh Bardugo & Sara Raasch -Fantasy Novel

4) Katherine Longshore & Robin LaFevers-Historical Novel

5) Abigail Haas & Gemma Halliday- Murder/Mystery 

6) Lauren Oliver & Mike Lancaster -Dystopian Novel

7) Rachel Carter & Alexandra Monir- Time Travel Romance

8) Kasie West & Morgan Matson- contemporary YA

9) Tessa Dare & Julia Quinn-Historical Romance

10) Lissi Harrison & Kate Brian (Gossip Girl-esque Novel

domingo, 11 de octubre de 2015

Monday Book Recommendations: Patrick Ness, Jim Kay, Siobhan Dowd

Publicado por Lina Jiménez en 21:30 0 Comments

Monday is the day I choose what new books I’m going to start reading but I have so many books in my To Read Pile that sometimes it’s hard to choose so I have decided that on Monday mornings I’ll recommend some  of  my favorite books.

Title: A Monster Calls
Series: Standalone
Author: Patrick Ness
Date Published: September 27th 2011
Publisher: Walker Books

The monster showed up after midnight. As they do.

But it isn't the monster Conor's been expecting. He's been expecting the one from his nightmare, the one he's had nearly every night since his mother started her treatments, the one with the darkness and the wind and the screaming...

This monster is something different, though. Something ancient, something wild. And it wants the most dangerous thing of all from Conor.

It wants the truth.


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